Mastering Books of the Old Testament: How to Memorize the Books of the Bible

Alex Pena

How to Memorize the Books of the Old Testament

Memorizing the books of the Old Testament can initially seem challenging due to the number of books and their diverse names. However, by applying effective memory techniques, you can make this task manageable and even enjoyable. Whether you're a student, a Bible teacher, or simply someone who wants to memorize the Bible, this guide will help you memorize the Old Testament using various memory strategies.

Understanding the Structure to Memorize the Books of the Bible - The Old Testament

The Old Testament is traditionally divided into several sections. Familiarizing yourself with these divisions can help organize your memorization process. For those who want to memorize the Bible, knowing the structure is a key first step.

  • The Torah (Pentateuch): Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
  • Historical Books: Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther
  • Wisdom Literature / Poetry: Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon
  • Major Prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel
  • Minor Prophets: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi

Breaking the list down into these sections allows you to tackle one group at a time, making the process more manageable and helping you remember the order of the books in the Bible.

Ways to Memorize the Bible Using Mnemonic Devices

Mnemonic devices are tools that help you remember information through patterns, associations, or sequences. These are effective ways to remember the books in the Old Testament as well as the New Testament books. Using these techniques can make it easier to memorize the Bible and learn the language of Scripture.

a. Acronyms

Creating acronyms for each section by taking the first letter of each book and forming a memorable word or phrase can be very helpful.

The Torah:

  • Books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
  • Acronym: Great Elephants Love New Days
  • Mnemonic Phrase: "Great Elephants Love New Days"
  • This phrase is an easy step to remember the order of the first five books, known as the Torah or God’s Law.

Historical Books:

  • Books: Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther
  • Acronym: Joyful Jungles Reveal 1S, 2S, 1K, 2K, 1C, 2C, E, N, E
  • Mnemonic Phrase: "Just Jumping Rabbits Sing Songs, King Cats Cuddle Every Night Easily"
  • This phrase can help you remember the names of the books in the Historical Books section.

Wisdom Literature:

  • Books: Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon
  • Acronym: Joyful Pandas Prefer Eating Salads
  • Mnemonic Phrase: "Joyful Pandas Prefer Eating Salads"
  • This simple phrase helps you memorize the books of the Wisdom Literature and Poetry.

Major Prophets:

  • Books: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel
  • Acronym: Interesting Jellybeans Live Energetically Daily
  • Mnemonic Phrase: "Interesting Jellybeans Live Energetically Daily"
  • These 5 Major Prophets contain key ideas and concepts in the Old Testament.

Minor Prophets:

  • Books: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi
  • Acronym: Happy Jaguars Admire Orange Juice, Making New Habits Zestfully Happy Zebras Murmur
  • Mnemonic Phrase: "Happy Jaguars Admire Orange Juice, Making New Habits Zestfully Happy Zebras Murmur"
  • This phrase helps you remember the 12 Minor Prophets, which are harder to memorize due to their shorter length.

b. Rhymes and Phrases

Creating rhymes or meaningful phrases where each word starts with the same letter as the book can aid memorization. This is an effective way to memorize a book in the Bible and ensure you remember the order.

  • The Torah: "Genesis Explores Lands, Naming Directions"
  • Historical Books: "Joshua Judges Ruth, Samuel's Kings Chronicle Ezra Nehemiah Esther"
  • Wisdom Literature: "Job's Psalms and Proverbs Enhance Songs"
  • Major Prophets: "Isaiah Jeremiah Lamented Ezekiel Daniel"
  • Minor Prophets: "Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi"

Ideas and Tools - Easy Steps with Chunking

Chunking involves breaking down information into smaller, more manageable units. This technique is particularly useful when dealing with a long list of items, like the books of the Old Testament.

Step-by-Step Approach:

  1. Start with the Torah: Since it contains only five books, focus on memorizing them first.
  2. Move to Historical Books: Tackle them in smaller groups, perhaps five at a time. This grouping method can make it easier to study the Bible and memorize the books.
  3. Proceed to Wisdom Literature: Memorize these poetic and wisdom books together.
  4. Learn Major Prophets: Focus on the five major prophetic books.
  5. Finally, Memorize Minor Prophets: These twelve books can be learned in smaller chunks. By focusing on one book at a time, you can master the order more effectively.

Visualization by Each Book of the Bible

Visualization helps you create mental images that make it easier to remember each book. By associating each book with a vivid image, you can tap into your brain’s natural strength in visual memory. This is especially helpful for those who want to remember the order of books and chapters in the Bible.

Examples from Books of the Old Testament - The Bible in Order:

The Torah (Pentateuch)

  • Genesis: Picture a globe or the creation scene. Think of the beginning, as Jesus said, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”
  • Exodus: Imagine a mass of people crossing the Red Sea. This can help you visualize the Exodus of the Israelites.
  • Leviticus: Visualize a set of laws or commandments, representing God’s word and law given to Moses.
  • Numbers: Envision a large number count or census, as the book of Numbers involves the counting of the Israelites.
  • Deuteronomy: Think of a door (since "Deuteronomy" sounds like "door") with commandments written on it, symbolizing the review of God's law.

Historical Books

  • Joshua: Picture Joshua leading the Israelites into the Promised Land.
  • Judges: Imagine scales of justice or judges' gavels, representing the leadership of the judges.
  • Ruth: Visualize a field of barley or Ruth gleaning. Ruth's story takes place during the harvest season.
  • 1 Samuel & 2 Samuel: Picture King Saul and King David, respectively. These books detail the reigns of Israel's first two kings.
  • 1 Kings & 2 Kings: Imagine King Solomon and the division of the kingdom. These books cover the history of Israel and Judah.
  • 1 Chronicles & 2 Chronicles: Envision a historical scroll or timeline, summarizing the history of Israel.
  • Ezra: Picture Ezra reading the Torah to the people, as Ezra was instrumental in reintroducing God's law to the Israelites.
  • Nehemiah: Imagine rebuilding walls or Nehemiah overseeing construction, as Nehemiah led the rebuilding of Jerusalem's walls.
  • Esther: Visualize a royal crown or Esther in the palace, highlighting her role in saving the Jewish people.

Wisdom Literature / Poetry

  • Job: Picture a man enduring hardships, reflecting Job’s trials.
  • Psalms: Envision a harp or a choir singing, symbolizing the book's poetic songs and prayers.
  • Proverbs: Think of wise sayings written on stones, representing the wisdom of Solomon.
  • Ecclesiastes: Visualize a reflective thinker contemplating life, as Ecclesiastes explores the meaning of life.
  • Song of Solomon: Picture a romantic or poetic scene, capturing the love poetry of this book.

Major Prophets

  • Isaiah: Imagine prophetic visions or the scroll Isaiah holds, as Isaiah had many visions of the future.
  • Jeremiah: Envision a weeping prophet, reflecting Jeremiah's sorrow over Israel's sins.
  • Lamentations: Picture someone mourning or weeping, as Lamentations is a book of mourning.
  • Ezekiel: Visualize the vision of the wheels or Ezekiel's dry bones, representing the prophetic visions of Ezekiel.
  • Daniel: Think of Daniel in the lion's den, one of the most famous stories in the book of Daniel.

Minor Prophets

  • Hosea: Picture a man holding a broken heart, symbolizing Hosea's marriage representing God's relationship with Israel.
  • Joel: Visualize a swarm of locusts covering the land, as Joel speaks of a devastating locust plague.
  • Amos: Imagine a basket of ripe fruit, symbolizing the ripe state of Israel for judgment, as Amos was a shepherd and farmer.
  • Obadiah: Picture a mountain, representing the nation of Edom, which Obadiah prophesied against.
  • Jonah: Visualize a giant fish or whale, symbolizing Jonah being swallowed and later preaching to Nineveh.
  • Micah: Picture a courtroom scene, representing Micah's message of justice and the trial of Israel.
  • Nahum: Imagine the city of Nineveh in ruins, as Nahum prophesied its destruction.
  • Habakkuk: Envision someone watching and waiting on a tower, symbolizing Habakkuk questioning and waiting for God's response.
  • Zephaniah: Picture a sweeping broom, representing God's judgment sweeping through the land.
  • Haggai: Visualize a temple under construction, as Haggai encouraged the rebuilding of the temple.
  • Zechariah: Imagine a man with a measuring line, symbolizing Zechariah’s visions of the future restoration of Jerusalem.
  • Malachi: Picture a refiner’s fire or a messenger, representing Malachi’s prophecy about purification and the coming of God's messenger.

Memorize the Old Testament With Storytelling

Create a narrative that connects the books in order. Storytelling leverages the brain's natural affinity for stories, making sequences easier to remember. This method is one of the best ways to memorize the order of the 39 books of the Old Testament and even helps with remembering the 66 books of the Bible in order.

Example Story for the Torah:

  • "In the beginning (Genesis), the world was created. The people moved out of Egypt (Exodus). They received laws (Leviticus) as they wandered, being counted along the way (Numbers). Before entering the Promised Land, they heard final speeches (Deuteronomy)."

Extending the Story:

  • Continue building the story by incorporating Historical Books, Wisdom Literature, Prophets, and Minor Prophets in sequence, linking each book's theme or story to the next. By doing so, you can help yourself memorize the order of the Old Testament and the books of the New Testament.

Spaced Repetition

Regularly reviewing the books at increasing intervals helps transfer information from short-term to long-term memory. This is an effective way to memorize and retain what you have already memorized.

How to Implement:

  • Daily Review: Go over the list each day initially.
  • Weekly Review: Once comfortable, review the list weekly.
  • Monthly Review: Gradually extend the intervals to monthly reviews.

You can use flashcards, apps like Anki, or simply write and recite the books regularly. This method can help dyslexic individuals as well, as repetition reinforces learning.

Association Techniques

Link each book to something familiar in your life, such as associating "Ruth" with a friend named Ruth or "Daniel" with someone you know. This personal connection can make memorization more relatable and easier to recall. It's a similar way to how Paul’s letters are remembered through association with specific teachings.

Use Songs or Rhymes

Setting the books to a melody or rhythm can aid memorization, as music and rhythm enhance memory retention. This technique is particularly useful for those who find it harder to memorize through reading alone.


  • Find a familiar tune (like "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star") and sing the names of the books in order. This method can be especially effective for memorizing the 12 Minor Prophets and the 5 Major Prophets.

Engage Multiple Senses

Involve different senses to reinforce memory. Engaging multiple senses creates multiple pathways in the brain, making it easier to recall the information later.

  • Visual: Write down the names or use color-coded charts.
  • Auditory: Recite the names aloud or listen to recordings.
  • Kinesthetic: Trace the names with your finger or write them repeatedly.

Regular Testing

Self-testing reinforces memory and identifies areas that need more focus. Testing yourself regularly ensures that the information moves from short-term to long-term memory.


  • Recitation: Try to recite all the books from memory. Start with one verse or chapter summaries to get familiar with the structure.
  • Writing: Write down the books in order without looking.
  • Quizzes: Use flashcards or online quizzes to test yourself. This method can help you see God’s word in a structured way, reinforcing your study.

Example Application of Memorization Techniques

Let’s apply some of these techniques to the Torah books:

  • Books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
  • Mnemonic Sentence: "Great Elephants Love New Days"
  • Visualization:
    • Genesis: Picture the creation scene with animals and landscapes forming. Reflect on the chapters in the Bible that describe creation.
    • Exodus: Imagine a group crossing the Red Sea. Consider how this event is pivotal in the Hebrew Bible.
    • Leviticus: Visualize someone holding a large law book. Think deeply about the importance of God’s law.
    • Numbers: Envision counting numbers or a census. The book of Numbers contains the census of the Israelites, an essential passage.
    • Deuteronomy: Think of a door with commandments inscribed on it. Deuteronomy reviews the commandments and God's word.
  • Story Integration: "In the beginning (Genesis), the world was formed. People left Egypt (Exodus) and received laws (Leviticus). They were counted during their journey (Numbers), and before entering the land, they heard final instructions (Deuteronomy)."

By combining these mnemonic devices, visualizations, and storytelling, you create multiple pathways in your brain to recall the information. This method helps you memorize not just the Old Testament, but also the New Testament books, ensuring you remember the names of all 66 books in the Bible.

Tips for Success on Memorizing also Applies to Books of the New Testament

  • Consistency: Regular practice is essential. Dedicate a specific time each day for memorization.
  • Patience: Memorization takes time. Be patient with yourself and celebrate small victories.
  • Engagement: Make the process enjoyable by incorporating games, songs, or group study. Use ideas and tools that keep the process engaging.
  • Contextual Learning: Understanding the context and stories of each book can make memorization easier and more meaningful. Read at least one passage from each book to connect it with your memory techniques.

By systematically applying these memory techniques, you'll find that memorizing the books of the Old Testament becomes a structured and achievable goal. This method can also be applied when memorizing the New Testament, so you’ll be well-prepared to study the Bible in order. Happy memorizing!

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